Friday, November 6, 2015

What do we know about Yorkie

 Most people think of Yorkie or as an energetic terrier, or as gentle toy dog ​​bred for fun hosts. And, oddly enough, it depends on the hosts that will grow out of their puppy.

  Definitely Yorkies cheerful and inquisitive, quick both physically and mentally, they spend a lot of time on Ryskov district, exploring that as a yes.

 Large dogs can look at it as a delicacy, so it should always be on a leash or behind a fence for their own security, and even he is a tireless pursuer of birds and butterflies, and carried away can run far.

  Amateur comfort Yorkshire Terrier loves to cuddle on her knees and dig into the soft cushions.

  Sharp-eyed and sharp-tongued, and he did not miss the raids are often strangers to their high-frequency voice. But if New York from childhood accustomed to the company, its barking it's too shrill.

   Although he may be the boss with others, especially larger dogs, Yorkies typically get along well with other pets, but typically suffer from cruelty and disrespect of small children. This is especially applicable to the smallest species York larger stronger.

  Some Yorkies learn quickly, others more svoevolnichayut and behave arrogantly. They do not particularly like to walk on a leash and can abut this way and that until they learn how to behave.

  Barking must be controlled from the first days and teach his little buddy, that possessiveness of his food and toys unacceptable.

If you want a dog that ...

Small, with strong bones, easy to carry and does not occupy much space


Cheerful and inquisitive, it moves briskly with easy grace

It does not require long-term training

To keep the house, do not bark at strangers primenet

Other peace-loving pets

That York is probably the best choice for you.

If you do not want to deal with ...

The weakness of the toy breeds 

The constant need to protect toy dogs, allowing them to be self-sufficient in this case

Regular cleaning, combing their hair postrizhkoy

Suspicious, shrill, difficult specificity of some breeds

Easily excitable hunter instinct

That Yorkshire Terrier may not be the best choice for you.



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